The Integrated Resource
A Wakefield Local Authority Provision
Please note that access to this resource is not through usual school admissions process. Admission to the Integrated Resource must be identified via the EHC panel and in consultation with the relevant Team Manager in WISENDSS and the school.
For further information please refer to Wakefield LA website.
The Integrated Resource is a supportive environment, based on the nurture principles, for pupils who have communication and interaction needs:
- Children’s learning is understood developmentally.
- The environment offers a safe base.
- Nurturing the development of wellbeing.
- Language being a means for communication.
- All behaviour is communication.
- Valuing the importance of transition.
The Integrated Resource is a full-time provision that aims to re-engage and develop students academically, socially and emotionally by the end of key stage 4.
If you require any additional information or advice please get in touch and ask to speak to:
Mr C Donaghy – Teacher in Charge, Featherstone Integrated Resource
Telephone: 01977 809953
Email: [email protected]
More Information
Please click the links below for more information:
- Our Welcome Booklet: This friendly guide gives you lots of detail about our learning, our staff and our pupils.
- Transport Guide: As our pupils come from across the district, this quick guide points new parents in the right direction.
- Compliments, Comments or Complaints: We love to hear all feedback. This two page guide tells you how you can get in touch if you want to give us your views.
- SEND Glossary: We know there’s lots of SEND jargon, so this guide cuts through the fog and explains it all in plain English.